Thursday, September 24, 2009

we miss our Chrispy..

enjoy your adventure, friend..

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Cool Hunter Finds Itself...

I checked my frequented websites and found that one of the creative favorites, The Cool Hunter, has turned from an elaborate "all things cool" blog into a full-on design & creative services offerer.

It's true: the dedication of professional appreciators ultimately leads them to become the resource for the most appreciated.

See you next time internet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Opening Reception

I am having an opening reception this weekend. .
Some new work, some older work, and a few favorites. .

come check it out. .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vodka: Not just a cocktail favorite!

Vodka has been enjoyed since at least the early Middle Ages, and is well known as one of the world's most popular spirits. Its versatility in mixing and high alcohol content have made it extremely popular in cocktails, and it is still widely enjoyed 'neat' (straight up) in much of Eastern and Northern Europe.

Vodka also has a long history of use as medicine, having been sold by druggists to cure everything from infertility to colic and the plague. While some of those historic promoters were half-cocked, it's true that vodka has a wide range of potential uses beyond serving as a relaxer and social lubricant.

Why would you want to do anything else with vodka but drink it? It is widely available, effective and less toxic than many of the chemical alternatives you might use for these tasks. Treat Poison Ivy, Freshen Laundry, Shine Your Fixtures, Preserve Flowers, Repel Insects, Soothe Jellyfish Stings, Get Great, Shiny Hair, Clean Away Mold, Make a Soothing Lavender Tincture, Ease a Toothache! Click here for details on how to apply Vodka in any of these scenarios.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Bike Parts...

I was finally able to order some accessories for The Sickness (the bike). Touratech is a German manufacturer of aftermarket & OEM parts for Adventure Touring motorcycles, and is the engineering standard for BMW specific accessories to protect and enhance your machine.

During installation I nicked my knuckle on the bike (or a tool), and my young padawan Codiak suggested I jot down my devotion to The Sickness in my own blood. This gave us a special memory from such a common experience as this one, and I promised him I'd post here, forever immortalizing this event in the eternity of the internet.


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Philips Electronics