Thursday, December 3, 2009


This is Shauuuuuuun.
Shauuuuuuuun is Neo.

Knock Knock Neo..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

we miss our Chrispy..

enjoy your adventure, friend..

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Cool Hunter Finds Itself...

I checked my frequented websites and found that one of the creative favorites, The Cool Hunter, has turned from an elaborate "all things cool" blog into a full-on design & creative services offerer.

It's true: the dedication of professional appreciators ultimately leads them to become the resource for the most appreciated.

See you next time internet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Opening Reception

I am having an opening reception this weekend. .
Some new work, some older work, and a few favorites. .

come check it out. .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vodka: Not just a cocktail favorite!

Vodka has been enjoyed since at least the early Middle Ages, and is well known as one of the world's most popular spirits. Its versatility in mixing and high alcohol content have made it extremely popular in cocktails, and it is still widely enjoyed 'neat' (straight up) in much of Eastern and Northern Europe.

Vodka also has a long history of use as medicine, having been sold by druggists to cure everything from infertility to colic and the plague. While some of those historic promoters were half-cocked, it's true that vodka has a wide range of potential uses beyond serving as a relaxer and social lubricant.

Why would you want to do anything else with vodka but drink it? It is widely available, effective and less toxic than many of the chemical alternatives you might use for these tasks. Treat Poison Ivy, Freshen Laundry, Shine Your Fixtures, Preserve Flowers, Repel Insects, Soothe Jellyfish Stings, Get Great, Shiny Hair, Clean Away Mold, Make a Soothing Lavender Tincture, Ease a Toothache! Click here for details on how to apply Vodka in any of these scenarios.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Bike Parts...

I was finally able to order some accessories for The Sickness (the bike). Touratech is a German manufacturer of aftermarket & OEM parts for Adventure Touring motorcycles, and is the engineering standard for BMW specific accessories to protect and enhance your machine.

During installation I nicked my knuckle on the bike (or a tool), and my young padawan Codiak suggested I jot down my devotion to The Sickness in my own blood. This gave us a special memory from such a common experience as this one, and I promised him I'd post here, forever immortalizing this event in the eternity of the internet.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Smoking is Fun!..... and Sauna Pants!

File these campaigns under the "What the hell were they thinking" category. How much has advertising evolved since then?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Barney Bubbles

British Artist & Designer: Colin Fulcher aka Barney Bubbles (July 1942 - Nov 1983) was a radical English graphic artist, whose work primarily encompassed the disciplines of graphic design, painting and music video direction. He is most renowned for his distinctive contribution to the graphic design associated with the British independent music scene during the 1970s and early 1980s. His symbol-laden and riddle-laden record sleeves were his most visible output. He suffered from bipolar disorder[1][2] Born in Tranmere Road, Whitton, Middlesex in July 1942, he committed suicide in London in November 1983.

Friday, August 21, 2009

plastic soup

Plastic breaks down fast in the ocean. This is not a good thing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bagged Mt. Democrat

Sunday, I made a long awaited return to the enlightening world of hiking.. absolutely incredible, and my bionics survived even if it's fleshy counterpart has become so soft.
the air is amazing, the sky is enormous and gorgeous. the ground is so diverse, the wildflowers smelled exactly the opposite of the streets in capitol hill. thoughts float through my head freely, I didn't see one piece of trash that didn't fit into my ziploc. the dogs were lovely and running, the brisk air was full of invigoration molecules, and the sunshine danced a tango with the fluffy clouds.. even the dirt is nicer up there, plus I learned to yodel.. absolutely gorgeous.. 53 to go..

Friday, August 14, 2009

Green Roofs

oooh the efficacy..

only thing this cooler is an Earthship..

.. AND they even have Earthship Hotels !!
Normandy here I come !!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

green washing

Apparently bamboo fabric is not such a green thing. Read the article HERE.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

oh my heart

The smurfs have always interested me. Yes, I know they have a perfect little utopia, (the one girl thing is kinda strange) and their peaceful existence is a bit saccharine, but somehow I still find them captivating. So imagine my surprise and joy at finding an artist that has evolved them into something more than happy little robots.

Brazilian artist Marcelo Braga has created a concept for the Smurfs Wars. The story s about what happens after the smurfs kill Gargamel and their innocence is lost. Heavy stuff for little blue creatures in tight white pants.

I think I have out-geeked myself.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


yesterday we drew robots..
robots are sweet..

these robots are particularly sweet..

World War - 3D Animation @ University Of Hertfordshire 2008 from Digital Animation Herts Uni UK on Vimeo.

Friday, July 24, 2009

That video almost made me uncomfortable. Thank goodness we evolve socially, even if it is at a slow and almost unnoticable pace.

Quiet day today in the office, and I've been doing little things all day. My new friend Shawn "Neo, The Coder" Dalebor was nice enough to help me drop my bike off at the dealer for it's 24k mile service. This is the big one where they check valves and seals, and ready the bike for the next 40k kilometers or so. I still can't believe that thing is the machine that it is. I am constantly grateful for the lifestyle it affords, and feel I have the two best vehicles for life in Colorado: a BMW motorcycle and a Toyota 4x4 truck. I'm thankful The Sickness and The Darkness have yet to let me down...

I felt at peace with my creativity and pace today. Even though it was low, just being here and maintaining without running around was nice. I briefly talked on the phone with Marni Banker at OgilvyAction today and sent her the jpeg's she needed for her presentation. Very nice. Microsoft Outlook's awesome software seemed to have swapped the jpeg's filenames to all be indentical (all 7), which seems very sweet and efficient to me. Didn't understand what happened really, so I just resent them and the entire cris-ees was averted.

I've been trying to make headway with a re-design of a liquor brand's label we've been working with, but it just makes me thirsty... Chrispy's very thirsty.

I have also recently gotten an iPhone and am now part of the statistic. Though everyone seems to know about this product and how popular Apple is (unless you've been in a cave for the past decade), I wonder how many are honestly aware of the power and technology they hold in their hand. It's a sleek toy for some at the surface level, but at deeper glance it's a seemingly endlessly capable connectivity and emotional device. I can call my family and girlfriend, save waypoints on a ride in the mountains, listen to Goose with my own headphones, and transfer money to my accounts while viewing a friends pictures online; all from the palm of my hand for less than some digital cameras. Technology is obviously cheaper and smaller, but not always better. This device IS better, it truly is. Capitalism's good for us all, but Man I tell ya, I bet designing for the competition against this thing in the market has got to be an excercise in futility. Design is king, and no one's close to this one of Apple's thrones. No one.

Anyway, internet... in closing:
  • I still love my job and look forward to coninuing on with my fellow co-workers
  • I have not finished The Darkness Transformer project
  • I'm thirsty
  • Ready to leave but looking forward to Monday
  • The iPhone's changed me forever, just like my iPod & BSG
  • I miss my girlfriend and she's only been gone for 24 hours
See you next time...
This is one of the best videos EVER!!! (Sorry, the sound is not good, but it's still hilarious!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is one way to [re]think.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Philippe Starck

I refer to those cool chairs in Steve's office as Philippe Starck chairs and since he's been in the news lately I thought I'd mention him here so everybody knows who I'm talking about. (that and I think hanging out next to the design department is affecting me).
His designs range from interior design, consumer products like toothbrushes and lamps, furniture, motorcycles and most recently, a clothing line. And that's just a taste, it's insane how much this guy has done.
A lot of his designs are minimalistic (which I love) and he's a master at finding that oh so elusive balance between form and function. Click the link below if you've never heard of him because he's awesome.

Here's a link to his site.


The Cool hunter has even blessed Empire of the Sun with a positive nod.
See it here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back To Work...

Hello internet.

After traveling to Iowa to visit family, my girlfriend's and my return trip ended at 10:30p.m. after 16 hours on the road. It was great, and is good to be back.

Love, Chrispy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo Split!!!

Jessica Simpson & Tony Romo Split

Posted using ShareThis

This is the scene I found late one night when I arrived home.... little Cooper is so cute, yet, he can be so naughty at the same time.... ugh.

New Insurance

The health insurance people came in today and talked to us about our new plan and it really made me miss ski season. Health insurance and snowboarding really go hand-in-hand, you shouldn't have one without the other.

I think Jenn has been thinking about ski season lately too. She's been wearing her ski gear in inappropriate places.

+more Web Launch Pictures

here at Proctor we love to eat, to drink, and to be creative..
whether that's eating from a sweet spread,
blowing up a trashcan,
or designing an experience You want to experience..

here are a few more images from the temporary site launch
to share a glimpse of the wonderful culture that is Proctor..
we do..

Steve our Creative Director,
directing our creativity, creatively. ..

Chad helped with explosions..
explosively. .

as did Mario,

Mario. .

we love our country !

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend With Some Friends

Just a quite weekend some friends, lounging and wadding around in the river. Don't you just love nature. Never seen anything like this in Vegas baby.

shipping containers

The popularity of using shipping containers as architecture continues to grow. This is actually one of the best that I have seen. Check out the link.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Overheard in the Daily

The daily meeting is usually a crap-shoot. Things overheard at todays meeting: "crap whores" (in reference to people that keep WAY too much stuff), "tell him to lance the goiter", and "estrogen terrorists". Just another day at Proctor Productions....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nothing concludes a nations birthday weekend like celebrating the work of another nation..
Last night I sat on my couch and watched the French film Peur(s) du noir, translated in English to Fear(s) of the Dark..

Initially, it was the quote from Guillermo del Toro on the cover, that drew me to the single copy of Fear(s) of the Dark. Sitting alone on the shelf next to rows and rows of Hollywood garbage, the highly stylized minimalist illustration leaped off the shelf and into my hands..

What a treat.
Great, Dark, Original Animation..

highly recommended..

hey there...

Yeah, we're a creative company full of personality which you'll clearly see here, I'm sure. And since this will be floating out in cyber space for anyone to read... if you're one of the young punks that keeps tagging our building? Grow up and stop it.

See you soon internet.

thank you

Thanks to Shawn, Chris Cody, Molly, Mario and Hildie, the group who helped put the temp site together. You all showed amazing creativity and responsibility in getting this up in such a short timeline.

If this is what we get after a couple of weeks, I can't wait to see the full thing.

Friday, July 3, 2009

workin' hard for the $.....

the geniuses behind the bloody mary afternoon

how many people can we fit in the kitchen at once???

Okay, I bet you wonder what's happening here..... Hildie spilled cottage cheese all over her feet. So Leo grabbed a pot of warm soapy water for her to soak her foot in, and Cody also came to the rescue to help her clean up her feet. Classic moment...

Well, we have to work today, it's July 3rd, so what would you expect us to be doing this afternoon? Well, see for yourself.... :)

Cody happy with our bloody mary bar spread....

It turns out most of the people @ Proctor are obsessed with Chuck Norris.... who would have thought.? Tony shows off his Chuck Norris / Cubs shirt. He is extremely proud.

mmm.... the finished product! Don't lie, your mouth is watering...

Can't forget the patriotic cupcakes!

A close-up of our great spread.

we're heeeere


msn spaces analyzer
Philips Electronics